SHAH ALAM 27 April - Cubaan bekas Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin untuk menghentam kerajaan dengan mendakwa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) gagal bertindak ke atas kes rasuah membabitkan pemimpin Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam satu wacana di sini tidak kesampaian.
Sebaliknya, beliau terdiam dan terkedu apabila dakwaannya berjaya dibidas Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Datuk Seri Abu Kassim Mohamed yang menegaskan suruhanjaya itu tidak pernah mengamalkan siasatan atau pendakwaan terpilih.
Tegas beliau, tindakan terhadap mereka yang melakukan rasuah sudah diambil sejak BN memerintah termasuk di Selangor.
''Sejak merdeka, kerajaan Selangor yang diperintah BN sentiasa disiasat SPRM (sebelum ini Badan Pencegah Rasuah) termasuk bekas-bekas menteri besar dan baru-baru ini ada ahli Parlimen dan ahli dewan undangan negeri (ADUN) turut didakwa.
''Tetapi kenapa sekarang (di bawah kerajaan parti pembangkang) tidak boleh? Begitu juga kes pasir, kita siasat di beberapa negeri termasuk Perak tetapi kenapa bila tiba di Selangor kata konspirasi?'' bidasnya.
Sebelum ini, Mohammad Nizar menuduh SPRM tidak melakukan siasatan melibatkan kes-kes berprofil tinggi dan pemimpin BN.
Pelbagai serangan dan tohmahan dilemparkan terhadap SPRM ekoran kematian Teoh Beng Hock dan terbaru pegawai kanan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (KDRM), Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed ditemui mati selepas dipercayai terjatuh dari bangunan SPRM Wilayah Persekutuan.
Sementara itu, apa yang menarik setiap jawapan Abu Kassim untuk mempertahankan SPRM menerima tepukan gemuruh para peserta wacana tersebut.
''Siapa kata kita tidak siasat? Takkan setiap kali kita buat apa-apa kita nak dedahkan. Ini bukan drama minggu ini. Jangan buat tuduhan tanpa bukti.
''Kalau perjuangan hapus rasuah pastikan SPRM buat kerja 24 jam dan bukannya suruh kita kerja dari pukul 9 pagi hingga 5 petang. Ini kerana orang ambil rasuah ini bukan waktu pejabat sahaja tetapi kokurikulum (luar waktu pejabat)," katanya.
Wacana tersebut turut melibatkan Senator Mohamad Ezam Mohd. Nor yang juga pengasas Gerakan Demokrasi dan Anti-Korupsi (Gerak) dan Pengasas ESQ Leadership Centre, Dr. Ary Ginanjar.
Khamis, 28 April 2011
Rabu, 27 April 2011
Penggal Parlimen genap tiga tahun, tiada lagi pilihan raya kecil
KUALA LUMPUR: Pilihan raya kecil bagi kerusi Parlimen tidak perlu diadakan selepas esok memandangkan penggal Parlimen ke-12 ini sudah mencapai tempoh mandat tiga tahunnya, kata Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.
"Selepas tarikh itu, sekiranya berlaku kekosongan kerusi yang disebabkan oleh kematian atau penyandangnya hilang kelayakan, maka pilihan raya kecil (PRK) tidak perlu diadakan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, perkara itu adalah sejajar dengan Artikel 54(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang memperuntukkan bahawa suatu PRK hanya perlu diadakan dalam tempoh tiga tahun sebelum tamat sesi Parlimen sepertimana yang termaktub di dalam undang-undang.
Tarikh 28 April ialah hari pertama Dewan Rakyat bersidang selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 pada 2008. Mandat kerajaan sekarang akan berakhir pada April 2013.
Bagaimanapun, Abdul Aziz berkata, tempoh akhir bagi mengadakan PRK untuk kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) adalah berbeza, bergantung kepada tarikh kali pertama DUN berkenaan bersidang selepas pilihan raya umum lalu.
"Sepertimana Parlimen, PRK juga tidak boleh lagi diadakan bagi DUN dalam tempoh dua tahun sebelum mandat yang diberikan kepada kerajaan berakhir, kecuali ada keperluan khas" katanya.
Keperluan khas itu termasuklah jika berlaku situasi di mana kerajaan pusat atau negeri tidak lagi mempunyai majoriti di dalam Dewan Rakyat atau DUN, menyebabkan kerajaan sedia ada hilang kelayakan untuk memerintah negara atau negeri.
"Jika speaker memaklumkan kepada SPR situasi di mana kerajaan sedia ada tidak boleh lagi membentuk kerajaan kerana hilang majoriti dalam dewan, PRK boleh diadakan.
"Tetapi setakat ini situasi ini tidak pernah berlaku. Walaupun di Dewan Rakyat kerajaan tidak mempunyai majoriti dua pertiga, tetapi masih mempunyai majoriti kukuh untuk membentuk kerajaan," katanya.
Selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 pada 2008, sebanyak 16 PRK dijalankan, iaitu enam bagi kerusi Parlimen dan 10 kerusi DUN, membabitkan kos lebih RM11 juta.
Perincian perbelanjaan bagi setiap pilihan raya kecil ialah Permatang Pauh (RM409,000); Kuala Terengganu (RM325,416); Bukit Gantang (RM460,971); Bukit Selambau (RM318,000); Batang Ai (RM391,700); Penanti (RM514,600); Manik Urai (RM548,003); Permatang Pasir (RM461,367.93); Bagan Pinang (RM449,485); Hulu Selangor (RM1.2 juta); Sibu (RM1 juta); Batu Sapi (RM1.290 juta); Galas (RM1.047 juta); Tenang (RM1.1 juta); Merlimau (RM755,000) dan Kerdau (RM915,000).
Ditanya persediaan SPR untuk menghadapi pilihan raya umum ke-13, Abdul Aziz berkata, badan itu belum bersedia sepenuhnya sekiranya pilihan raya umum diadakan dalam masa terdekat ini.
"Pilihan raya umum ini perkara serius, banyak benda yang perlu kita sediakan, kita harap tidaklah diadakan secara mengejut-mengejut.
"Kita perlukan masa. Pilihan raya umum bukan perkara main-main, ia perkara serius dan banyak yang perlu kita lakukan," katanya tanpa menjelaskan maksud "masa terdekat".
Bagaimanapun beliau meminta masyarakat umum tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi mengenai tarikh pilihan raya umum memandangkan kerajaan masih mempunyai banyak masa sebelum tempoh mandatnya berakhir.
"Kerajaan sekarang ada tempoh dua tahun lagi sebelum mandat berakhir pada April 2013,
biarlah kerajaan sekarang mentadbir negara, mereka ada lima tahun," katanya.
"Selepas tarikh itu, sekiranya berlaku kekosongan kerusi yang disebabkan oleh kematian atau penyandangnya hilang kelayakan, maka pilihan raya kecil (PRK) tidak perlu diadakan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, perkara itu adalah sejajar dengan Artikel 54(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang memperuntukkan bahawa suatu PRK hanya perlu diadakan dalam tempoh tiga tahun sebelum tamat sesi Parlimen sepertimana yang termaktub di dalam undang-undang.
Tarikh 28 April ialah hari pertama Dewan Rakyat bersidang selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 pada 2008. Mandat kerajaan sekarang akan berakhir pada April 2013.
Bagaimanapun, Abdul Aziz berkata, tempoh akhir bagi mengadakan PRK untuk kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) adalah berbeza, bergantung kepada tarikh kali pertama DUN berkenaan bersidang selepas pilihan raya umum lalu.
"Sepertimana Parlimen, PRK juga tidak boleh lagi diadakan bagi DUN dalam tempoh dua tahun sebelum mandat yang diberikan kepada kerajaan berakhir, kecuali ada keperluan khas" katanya.
Keperluan khas itu termasuklah jika berlaku situasi di mana kerajaan pusat atau negeri tidak lagi mempunyai majoriti di dalam Dewan Rakyat atau DUN, menyebabkan kerajaan sedia ada hilang kelayakan untuk memerintah negara atau negeri.
"Jika speaker memaklumkan kepada SPR situasi di mana kerajaan sedia ada tidak boleh lagi membentuk kerajaan kerana hilang majoriti dalam dewan, PRK boleh diadakan.
"Tetapi setakat ini situasi ini tidak pernah berlaku. Walaupun di Dewan Rakyat kerajaan tidak mempunyai majoriti dua pertiga, tetapi masih mempunyai majoriti kukuh untuk membentuk kerajaan," katanya.
Selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 pada 2008, sebanyak 16 PRK dijalankan, iaitu enam bagi kerusi Parlimen dan 10 kerusi DUN, membabitkan kos lebih RM11 juta.
Perincian perbelanjaan bagi setiap pilihan raya kecil ialah Permatang Pauh (RM409,000); Kuala Terengganu (RM325,416); Bukit Gantang (RM460,971); Bukit Selambau (RM318,000); Batang Ai (RM391,700); Penanti (RM514,600); Manik Urai (RM548,003); Permatang Pasir (RM461,367.93); Bagan Pinang (RM449,485); Hulu Selangor (RM1.2 juta); Sibu (RM1 juta); Batu Sapi (RM1.290 juta); Galas (RM1.047 juta); Tenang (RM1.1 juta); Merlimau (RM755,000) dan Kerdau (RM915,000).
Ditanya persediaan SPR untuk menghadapi pilihan raya umum ke-13, Abdul Aziz berkata, badan itu belum bersedia sepenuhnya sekiranya pilihan raya umum diadakan dalam masa terdekat ini.
"Pilihan raya umum ini perkara serius, banyak benda yang perlu kita sediakan, kita harap tidaklah diadakan secara mengejut-mengejut.
"Kita perlukan masa. Pilihan raya umum bukan perkara main-main, ia perkara serius dan banyak yang perlu kita lakukan," katanya tanpa menjelaskan maksud "masa terdekat".
Bagaimanapun beliau meminta masyarakat umum tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi mengenai tarikh pilihan raya umum memandangkan kerajaan masih mempunyai banyak masa sebelum tempoh mandatnya berakhir.
"Kerajaan sekarang ada tempoh dua tahun lagi sebelum mandat berakhir pada April 2013,
biarlah kerajaan sekarang mentadbir negara, mereka ada lima tahun," katanya.
Surat Terbuka Datin Dr Suriani Kpd Tun M
YABhg Tun,
Assalamualaikum YAB Tun, I pray that you and your family are in good health.
Alhamdullillah, my husband, Datuk Nik Sapeia Nik Yusof , my family and I are doing fairly well despite our present predicament as we are sure that Allah will always protect his ummah and the truth will prevail eventually.
However, my husband is unhappy that due to his conviction pending appeal, about the spray incident, that YAB Tun may think badly of him, so I feel it is imperative that I put our case to clear the air. My husband is a grown man, but he has one weakness, that is he idolize a person and this person can do no wrong and has done many great deeds for the nation. That person is non other than you YAB Tun.
So being found guilty of an act that he did not commit was bad enough but the fact that the act was at you was even worse to bear as how can a person harm his hero.
As is common knowledge now , Datuk Nik Sapeia, (D Nik) was accused of causing injury with a dangerous weapon to 4 persons Yab Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad, Dato Ibrahim Bin Ali, Dato Dr Mohd Nasir Bin Muda, and En Suberi bin Sahidan, at the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Pengkalan Chepa, on 28 July 2006, and was charged under Penal code 324. The dangerous weapon being a pepper spray. On 14 January 2010, the magistrate court of Kota Bharu found D Nik guilty as charged and sentenced to 6 month jail term.
YAB Tun, although I respect the court decision allow me to state my case here and now.
On 28 July 2006, my husband, Nik, left for the airport with some friends and followers to welcome you YAB Tun for a program that was organized jointly by Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad and Datuk Nik Sapeia under the aegis of Majlis Bekas Wakil Rakyat dan ADUN Negri Kelantan after the initial program under MUBARAK was cancelled. I stayed home to prepare lunch as was arranged in an earlier plan. What happen after that is history.
After the program by MUBARAK was cancelled TS Abdullah requested D Nik to organize another program to invite YAB Tun to give a speech and meet the rakyat on the same day. After getting your consent D Nik contacted your office for further details and plans were arranged for the day. He also made arrangements here in Kota Bharu which included informing the police department of the plan and program and to request for security detail for you as the ex prime minister. We were informed that as an ex prime minister you do not need police help for security. Strangely several special branch officers were present, including a video cameraman from Bukit Aman who was instructed to concentrate on YAB Tun and D Nik.
At the airport D Nik had disagreed with Dato Ibrahim Ali who insisted that YAB Tun ride a Pajero with the sunroof open from the airport to the hotel, with Tun standing through the open roof to wave at the crowd. D Nik had provided a limousine which is more befitting a senior statesman and much safer. D Nik and D Ibrahim finally agreed that Tun would make a short speech from the Pajero and later ride the limo to the hotel.
On your arrival, Yab Tun was escorted to the Pajero , with a little difficulty, as the crowd was too enthusiastic and slightly difficult to control. D Ibrahim and D Nik escorted you all the way to the waiting Pajero and Yab Tun managed to get into the Pajero. D Nik then walked away from the Pajero towards the waiting Limo which is parked to the front of the pajero to await Yab Tun.
Then D Nik looked back and saw some commotion and saw that you had been taken into our Honda Accord that was beside the pajero and the car started to move.. So D Nik then told an escort police car to move and followed Tun in his limo to the designated Hotel.
The Spray Incident is explained in detail by Prosecution Witness no 19 En Mohd Zakhir Bin MoMohamad. He is the owner and driver of the said Pajero. He explained ’ I was standing on the right side of the Pajero near the rear tyre .’ He then said that he saw Tun entering the pajero followed by Dato Ibrahim, Tun stood up through the sunroof , holding a loudhailer, Tun was seen smiling above the roof , then Tun ducked down appearing hurt into the Pajero. This fact was substantiated by several still photographs presented by the investigating officer. At the same time En Zakhir also felt burning sensation in his eyes and face and had difficulty in breathing, which persisted for several hours. He was later called to give a police statement and had his shirt sent to the forensic lab for testing, where spots on his shirt was found positive for Nonivamide, a chemical also found in the police spray that was tested.
The 1st victim was you Yab Tun and you described in court that you were about to stand when you felt pain in you eyes and slight difficulty in breathing, which disappeared after a while on your way to your Hotel. Your injury was mild compared to the other victims.
The 3rd victim Dato’ Dr Mohd Nasir, who is your personal doctor, also gave evidence that he was on the right side of the pajero, he had placed his bag in the Honda beside the pajero and was near the car when he felt a similar sensation of pain in the eyes, and difficulty in breathing. His injury is also mild.
The 2nd victim Dato Ibrahim was hurt when he was sitting in the pajero after he handed you the hailer. He fainted for some time and later had painful eyes and difficulty in breathing. His injury appeared more severe.
The 4th victim En Suberi, a business man from Kuala Lumpur, said he was assisting Dato Ibrahim into the Pajero so he was between the car door and the car when he was hurt. He also fainted and only was able to function well after an hour. His injury appeared more severe. In his evidence he said he heard a sound like pzzzzz near him just before he was hurt.
I now recap the scene when the spray occurred. The incident occurred at the Pajero which was parked at the kerb about 10 feet away from the main door of the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Pengkalan Chepa.
The position of the victims are as below 4th victim was between the car door and the car, 2nd victim was sitting in the car, 1st victim, Yab Tun, was standing through the sunroof of the car with your head just above the roof, 3rd victim was at the right side of the car and near a Honda.
Another victim the driver of the Pajero was on the right side of the car. He also had trace of causative chemical on his shirt. They are all the prosecution witness.
The persecution had 3 eyewitness who claimed they saw D Nik Spray..
Wan Mohd Hafiez bin Wan Awang, a nephew of Dato Ibrahim, said D Nik sprayed at or near the door of the airport. He said that Tun was near the Pajero just about to enter the Pajero.
Mohd Zain Bin Mohamad, is a freelance lorry driver , who acted as TS Dollah driver. He said in court he was a few feet behind D Nik and he saw D Nik did spray near the main door of the airport still inside the airport. At that time he saw Yab Tun was in the Pajero and Dato Ibrahim was about to enter the Pajero.
Mohd Alidaem bin Ibrahim, is an odd job worker, who was at the airport as TS Dollah’s bodygarde, He was standing behind TS Dollah at all times and also a few feet behind D Nik when he saw D Nik spray. At that time D Nik was said to be near the door of the airport inside the airport.
All three witnesses were inconsistent as to Dato’ Ibrahim and Yab Tun’s position .
TS Abdollah was not called to give evidence in court although he was called into the court for identification purpose. Maybe he is like the 3 wise monkey who see no evil, hear no evil , speak no evil.
As mentioned earlier, a special branch video cameraman produced a tape claimed to be taken on that day of the incident. The tape was only made available to the Kelantan police investigation team about 3 weeks after the incident and was only sent for testing in November. It was noted that the safety tab on the tape was never broken thus allowing it to be able to be edited. In the tape a hand was seen coming up above the many heads and a mist was seen coming from it. It was deduced that that was D Nik’s hand doing the spray. The hand was seen inside the airport . At that time Tun was not visible in the tape. The airport door was seen at the back with an air screen seen above the door.
The dangerous weapon was not produced as evidence, but a pepper spray tin can with a PDRM logo on it was tested at the forensic lab and results of effect of the spray on the chemist was compared to the effects on the victim and was similar. The spray contained Nonivamide. Two other pepper spray that was purchased by the investigating officer were also made exhibit.
Now the prosecution claimed they have proven that D Nik did the spraying at or just inside the door of the airport about 10 feet away from the Pajero. We also note that an air screen was above the door blowing air downwards. We also note that the only spray made available for testing was a PDRM pepper spray in a tin can.
Allow me to analyze the situation, the worst hit was victim number 2, 4, and driver of the pajero who is on the right side of the pajero. Although Yab Tun also was hurt , but it was milder compared the other three.
If the spray was done at the door of the airport which is 10 feet from the pajero, how did the spray go through the door of the pajero and really effect victim 2 and 4.
Stranger still how did it just slightly effect Yab Tun who at that time had your head out of the Pajero yet later hit the driver who is on the other side of the pajero, in full force that he even had chemical evidence of the spray on his shirt.
If I remember my science faintly most trajectory will travel in a straight line until pulled down by gravity. If D Nik had sprayed as accused by the prosecution, the spray;
1) would not be able to pass in full force through the air screen above the airport door and affect the victims who were about ten feet away.
2) would cause most harm to Yab Tun, as Yab Tun is in direct line of fire with your head above the sunroof of the pajero.
3) would not be able to concentrate in the car as there are two things in its path, the crowd of people around the car and the car door. It can permeate but not concentrate in the car. However it most effected victim 2 and 4 the most, to such an extent that they fainted.
4) should not hit the driver of the Pajero who is on the other side of the pajero, so much so that his shirt even had evidence of the chemical. The driver’ head would not be above the roof of the Pajero as the Pajero is high, thus he should be shielded from the direct force of the spray. He should only get a mild effect, just as Yab Tun’s personal doctor.
5) must be really powerful, not the regular pepper spray that is available in the stores but similar to the police spray that was tested and used as evidence in this case.
Yab Tun even with the prosecution evidence you can see that it impossible to accuse Datuk Nik of causing hurt to you and the others based on physical probabilities.
There is also absolutely no motive at all for him to commit any act at all. Whatever disagreement with Dato Ibrahim was settled amicably before your arrival. D Nik also had a deep respect and love for you, like for a father, which he proudly proclaimed in court. So there is no reason at all to find D Nik guilty as charged.
On the defence side we were able to produce several witnesses , one confirms D Nik’s position at the time of the spray, and another, Lance Corporal Adnan actually saw the person who was near the back of the Pajero and who did spray a substance towards the pajero. However the court chose to disregard this evidence and convict D Nik. We also produced a video recording of a speech made by Dato Ibrahim immediately after the incident. The speech was given on the same Pajero and he said that ‘SAYA CAM PEMUDA YANG LAKUKAN SPRAY’. While all of us want to look young, D Nik definitely is not a ‘pemuda’.
The facts given showed that Datuk Nik should never be accused of committing such a crime.
We were sure that we would not be found guilty as D Nik did not spray Yab Tun and the other victims. However apparently somebody must pay for what happened to Yab Tun and D Nik has to pay the price guilty or not. If this was the case, I hope the verdict has made a lot of people happy as they have their pound of flesh, but to me although we are innocent we may have to pay, and we have to pay six kilograms worth of flesh.
However I am sure you Yab Tun is a man of reason and exceptional intellect, thus you should be able to differentiate between the truth and untruth.
So I now rest my case, Thank you
Datin Dr Suriani Yahya
YABhg Tun,
Assalamualaikum YAB Tun, I pray that you and your family are in good health.
Alhamdullillah, my husband, Datuk Nik Sapeia Nik Yusof , my family and I are doing fairly well despite our present predicament as we are sure that Allah will always protect his ummah and the truth will prevail eventually.
However, my husband is unhappy that due to his conviction pending appeal, about the spray incident, that YAB Tun may think badly of him, so I feel it is imperative that I put our case to clear the air. My husband is a grown man, but he has one weakness, that is he idolize a person and this person can do no wrong and has done many great deeds for the nation. That person is non other than you YAB Tun.
So being found guilty of an act that he did not commit was bad enough but the fact that the act was at you was even worse to bear as how can a person harm his hero.
As is common knowledge now , Datuk Nik Sapeia, (D Nik) was accused of causing injury with a dangerous weapon to 4 persons Yab Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad, Dato Ibrahim Bin Ali, Dato Dr Mohd Nasir Bin Muda, and En Suberi bin Sahidan, at the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Pengkalan Chepa, on 28 July 2006, and was charged under Penal code 324. The dangerous weapon being a pepper spray. On 14 January 2010, the magistrate court of Kota Bharu found D Nik guilty as charged and sentenced to 6 month jail term.
YAB Tun, although I respect the court decision allow me to state my case here and now.
On 28 July 2006, my husband, Nik, left for the airport with some friends and followers to welcome you YAB Tun for a program that was organized jointly by Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad and Datuk Nik Sapeia under the aegis of Majlis Bekas Wakil Rakyat dan ADUN Negri Kelantan after the initial program under MUBARAK was cancelled. I stayed home to prepare lunch as was arranged in an earlier plan. What happen after that is history.
After the program by MUBARAK was cancelled TS Abdullah requested D Nik to organize another program to invite YAB Tun to give a speech and meet the rakyat on the same day. After getting your consent D Nik contacted your office for further details and plans were arranged for the day. He also made arrangements here in Kota Bharu which included informing the police department of the plan and program and to request for security detail for you as the ex prime minister. We were informed that as an ex prime minister you do not need police help for security. Strangely several special branch officers were present, including a video cameraman from Bukit Aman who was instructed to concentrate on YAB Tun and D Nik.
At the airport D Nik had disagreed with Dato Ibrahim Ali who insisted that YAB Tun ride a Pajero with the sunroof open from the airport to the hotel, with Tun standing through the open roof to wave at the crowd. D Nik had provided a limousine which is more befitting a senior statesman and much safer. D Nik and D Ibrahim finally agreed that Tun would make a short speech from the Pajero and later ride the limo to the hotel.
On your arrival, Yab Tun was escorted to the Pajero , with a little difficulty, as the crowd was too enthusiastic and slightly difficult to control. D Ibrahim and D Nik escorted you all the way to the waiting Pajero and Yab Tun managed to get into the Pajero. D Nik then walked away from the Pajero towards the waiting Limo which is parked to the front of the pajero to await Yab Tun.
Then D Nik looked back and saw some commotion and saw that you had been taken into our Honda Accord that was beside the pajero and the car started to move.. So D Nik then told an escort police car to move and followed Tun in his limo to the designated Hotel.
The Spray Incident is explained in detail by Prosecution Witness no 19 En Mohd Zakhir Bin MoMohamad. He is the owner and driver of the said Pajero. He explained ’ I was standing on the right side of the Pajero near the rear tyre .’ He then said that he saw Tun entering the pajero followed by Dato Ibrahim, Tun stood up through the sunroof , holding a loudhailer, Tun was seen smiling above the roof , then Tun ducked down appearing hurt into the Pajero. This fact was substantiated by several still photographs presented by the investigating officer. At the same time En Zakhir also felt burning sensation in his eyes and face and had difficulty in breathing, which persisted for several hours. He was later called to give a police statement and had his shirt sent to the forensic lab for testing, where spots on his shirt was found positive for Nonivamide, a chemical also found in the police spray that was tested.
The 1st victim was you Yab Tun and you described in court that you were about to stand when you felt pain in you eyes and slight difficulty in breathing, which disappeared after a while on your way to your Hotel. Your injury was mild compared to the other victims.
The 3rd victim Dato’ Dr Mohd Nasir, who is your personal doctor, also gave evidence that he was on the right side of the pajero, he had placed his bag in the Honda beside the pajero and was near the car when he felt a similar sensation of pain in the eyes, and difficulty in breathing. His injury is also mild.
The 2nd victim Dato Ibrahim was hurt when he was sitting in the pajero after he handed you the hailer. He fainted for some time and later had painful eyes and difficulty in breathing. His injury appeared more severe.
The 4th victim En Suberi, a business man from Kuala Lumpur, said he was assisting Dato Ibrahim into the Pajero so he was between the car door and the car when he was hurt. He also fainted and only was able to function well after an hour. His injury appeared more severe. In his evidence he said he heard a sound like pzzzzz near him just before he was hurt.
I now recap the scene when the spray occurred. The incident occurred at the Pajero which was parked at the kerb about 10 feet away from the main door of the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Pengkalan Chepa.
The position of the victims are as below 4th victim was between the car door and the car, 2nd victim was sitting in the car, 1st victim, Yab Tun, was standing through the sunroof of the car with your head just above the roof, 3rd victim was at the right side of the car and near a Honda.
Another victim the driver of the Pajero was on the right side of the car. He also had trace of causative chemical on his shirt. They are all the prosecution witness.
The persecution had 3 eyewitness who claimed they saw D Nik Spray..
Wan Mohd Hafiez bin Wan Awang, a nephew of Dato Ibrahim, said D Nik sprayed at or near the door of the airport. He said that Tun was near the Pajero just about to enter the Pajero.
Mohd Zain Bin Mohamad, is a freelance lorry driver , who acted as TS Dollah driver. He said in court he was a few feet behind D Nik and he saw D Nik did spray near the main door of the airport still inside the airport. At that time he saw Yab Tun was in the Pajero and Dato Ibrahim was about to enter the Pajero.
Mohd Alidaem bin Ibrahim, is an odd job worker, who was at the airport as TS Dollah’s bodygarde, He was standing behind TS Dollah at all times and also a few feet behind D Nik when he saw D Nik spray. At that time D Nik was said to be near the door of the airport inside the airport.
All three witnesses were inconsistent as to Dato’ Ibrahim and Yab Tun’s position .
TS Abdollah was not called to give evidence in court although he was called into the court for identification purpose. Maybe he is like the 3 wise monkey who see no evil, hear no evil , speak no evil.
As mentioned earlier, a special branch video cameraman produced a tape claimed to be taken on that day of the incident. The tape was only made available to the Kelantan police investigation team about 3 weeks after the incident and was only sent for testing in November. It was noted that the safety tab on the tape was never broken thus allowing it to be able to be edited. In the tape a hand was seen coming up above the many heads and a mist was seen coming from it. It was deduced that that was D Nik’s hand doing the spray. The hand was seen inside the airport . At that time Tun was not visible in the tape. The airport door was seen at the back with an air screen seen above the door.
The dangerous weapon was not produced as evidence, but a pepper spray tin can with a PDRM logo on it was tested at the forensic lab and results of effect of the spray on the chemist was compared to the effects on the victim and was similar. The spray contained Nonivamide. Two other pepper spray that was purchased by the investigating officer were also made exhibit.
Now the prosecution claimed they have proven that D Nik did the spraying at or just inside the door of the airport about 10 feet away from the Pajero. We also note that an air screen was above the door blowing air downwards. We also note that the only spray made available for testing was a PDRM pepper spray in a tin can.
Allow me to analyze the situation, the worst hit was victim number 2, 4, and driver of the pajero who is on the right side of the pajero. Although Yab Tun also was hurt , but it was milder compared the other three.
If the spray was done at the door of the airport which is 10 feet from the pajero, how did the spray go through the door of the pajero and really effect victim 2 and 4.
Stranger still how did it just slightly effect Yab Tun who at that time had your head out of the Pajero yet later hit the driver who is on the other side of the pajero, in full force that he even had chemical evidence of the spray on his shirt.
If I remember my science faintly most trajectory will travel in a straight line until pulled down by gravity. If D Nik had sprayed as accused by the prosecution, the spray;
1) would not be able to pass in full force through the air screen above the airport door and affect the victims who were about ten feet away.
2) would cause most harm to Yab Tun, as Yab Tun is in direct line of fire with your head above the sunroof of the pajero.
3) would not be able to concentrate in the car as there are two things in its path, the crowd of people around the car and the car door. It can permeate but not concentrate in the car. However it most effected victim 2 and 4 the most, to such an extent that they fainted.
4) should not hit the driver of the Pajero who is on the other side of the pajero, so much so that his shirt even had evidence of the chemical. The driver’ head would not be above the roof of the Pajero as the Pajero is high, thus he should be shielded from the direct force of the spray. He should only get a mild effect, just as Yab Tun’s personal doctor.
5) must be really powerful, not the regular pepper spray that is available in the stores but similar to the police spray that was tested and used as evidence in this case.
Yab Tun even with the prosecution evidence you can see that it impossible to accuse Datuk Nik of causing hurt to you and the others based on physical probabilities.
There is also absolutely no motive at all for him to commit any act at all. Whatever disagreement with Dato Ibrahim was settled amicably before your arrival. D Nik also had a deep respect and love for you, like for a father, which he proudly proclaimed in court. So there is no reason at all to find D Nik guilty as charged.
On the defence side we were able to produce several witnesses , one confirms D Nik’s position at the time of the spray, and another, Lance Corporal Adnan actually saw the person who was near the back of the Pajero and who did spray a substance towards the pajero. However the court chose to disregard this evidence and convict D Nik. We also produced a video recording of a speech made by Dato Ibrahim immediately after the incident. The speech was given on the same Pajero and he said that ‘SAYA CAM PEMUDA YANG LAKUKAN SPRAY’. While all of us want to look young, D Nik definitely is not a ‘pemuda’.
The facts given showed that Datuk Nik should never be accused of committing such a crime.
We were sure that we would not be found guilty as D Nik did not spray Yab Tun and the other victims. However apparently somebody must pay for what happened to Yab Tun and D Nik has to pay the price guilty or not. If this was the case, I hope the verdict has made a lot of people happy as they have their pound of flesh, but to me although we are innocent we may have to pay, and we have to pay six kilograms worth of flesh.
However I am sure you Yab Tun is a man of reason and exceptional intellect, thus you should be able to differentiate between the truth and untruth.
So I now rest my case, Thank you
Datin Dr Suriani Yahya
Hati seorang isteri
Dari blog Surianiyahya.
A wife in distress
This is my first post on this blog, as I wish to share some of my thoughts on what it takes to be a wife.
A wife is one who takes on her husbands name, share a home with him, turn our house into a home, bear him children, raise them to be decent adults, and generally share his life , his ups and downs. No matter what the cost is to us we must and will stand by our man.
Up to now we have breezed through life comfortably, although there have been challenges thrown at us they were minor and were overcome easily.
Our biggest upset happened when my husband was charged and convicted with causing hurt to the ex PM by spraying him and others with a pepper spray. After 14 months we are still waiting to appeal the conviction as the written judgement has not been released by the court untill now.
However this piece is not about the case but about what I feel and how it affect me and my family.
Till now my heart skips a beat when I think my husband can be jailed for an offence that he did not do.
I was in despair when the judge pronounced him guilty and sentenced him to 6 month in prison, a very harsh sentence for a mild hurt. I could barely read the papers as the headlines declare him guilty.
As a good wife I had to stand by my man , I had to smile and pretend to be okay although my heart was bleeding for the injustice done to my man. As a good mother and grandmother I had to calm down and soothe my children and grandchildren who came home from school crying because their freinds said that my husband was in jail. I convinced them it was a mistake and that their father is home and will never go to prison. I know that my husband is innocent and I trusted our judiciary system. Although lately the judiciary seem to be toeing the line and seem to be taking the safe way out, I wonder?
I now sympathize with all the wives who are put through this distressing situation due to their husbands mistake or wrong doing, whether they are in the right or wrong, whether they are framed or setup. I am just a simple housewife with simple need and pleasures. I do not need to rock the world or make gigantic changes to mankind. I am happy just to rock my baby's cradle, cook and feed the family, and at night sleep in my beloved arms, safe and at peace.
I don't want to lie to save face, I don't want to read bad notice in the papers, I don;t want to watch the news on TV potraying my husband in a bad light. I pray that not only I but no woman should have to go through all these terrrible things.
I call upon all the husbands out there, before you do anything that may bring shame or hurt to your wife and family ,think or her and think of what she have to do and go through to over come the effects of your action.
Is it worth your moment of, power, or fame or enjoyment to cause harm to a lifetime togather.
A wife in distress
A wife in distress
This is my first post on this blog, as I wish to share some of my thoughts on what it takes to be a wife.
A wife is one who takes on her husbands name, share a home with him, turn our house into a home, bear him children, raise them to be decent adults, and generally share his life , his ups and downs. No matter what the cost is to us we must and will stand by our man.
Up to now we have breezed through life comfortably, although there have been challenges thrown at us they were minor and were overcome easily.
Our biggest upset happened when my husband was charged and convicted with causing hurt to the ex PM by spraying him and others with a pepper spray. After 14 months we are still waiting to appeal the conviction as the written judgement has not been released by the court untill now.
However this piece is not about the case but about what I feel and how it affect me and my family.
Till now my heart skips a beat when I think my husband can be jailed for an offence that he did not do.
I was in despair when the judge pronounced him guilty and sentenced him to 6 month in prison, a very harsh sentence for a mild hurt. I could barely read the papers as the headlines declare him guilty.
As a good wife I had to stand by my man , I had to smile and pretend to be okay although my heart was bleeding for the injustice done to my man. As a good mother and grandmother I had to calm down and soothe my children and grandchildren who came home from school crying because their freinds said that my husband was in jail. I convinced them it was a mistake and that their father is home and will never go to prison. I know that my husband is innocent and I trusted our judiciary system. Although lately the judiciary seem to be toeing the line and seem to be taking the safe way out, I wonder?
I now sympathize with all the wives who are put through this distressing situation due to their husbands mistake or wrong doing, whether they are in the right or wrong, whether they are framed or setup. I am just a simple housewife with simple need and pleasures. I do not need to rock the world or make gigantic changes to mankind. I am happy just to rock my baby's cradle, cook and feed the family, and at night sleep in my beloved arms, safe and at peace.
I don't want to lie to save face, I don't want to read bad notice in the papers, I don;t want to watch the news on TV potraying my husband in a bad light. I pray that not only I but no woman should have to go through all these terrrible things.
I call upon all the husbands out there, before you do anything that may bring shame or hurt to your wife and family ,think or her and think of what she have to do and go through to over come the effects of your action.
Is it worth your moment of, power, or fame or enjoyment to cause harm to a lifetime togather.
A wife in distress
Sabtu, 16 April 2011
Keputusan rasmi Pilihan Raya Negeri Sarawak
16hb April 2011
N01: OPAR: 8,099
1. Stephen ak Sagir (SNAP).....................6742.
2. Joseph Jindy ak Peter Rosen (Bebas).........475
3. Boniface Willy ak Tumek (PKR).............1,354
4. RANUM AK MINA (BN-SUPP)...................3,360
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast...................5,931
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.........................68
Penyandang/Incumbent: Ranum ak Mina (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,585
Majoriti/Majority: 2,183
N02: TASIK BIRU: 15,100
2. Frankie Jurem ak Nyombui (SNAP)..................825
3. John Tenewi Nuek (PKR).........................3,757
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,531
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................120
Penyandang/Incumbent: Peter Nansian ak Ngusie (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,393
Majoriti/Majority: 3,203
N03: TANJONG DATU: 7,936
1. TAN SRI ADENAN SATEM (BN-PBB).................4,218
2. Gilbert Asson ak Kulong (Bebas).................215
3. Nani Sahari (PAS).............................1,002
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,497
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................62
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Adenan Satem (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,545
Majoriti/Majority: 4,136
N04: PANTAI DAMAI: 14,104
1. Suhaini Selamat (Bebas).........................111
2. DR ABDUL RAHMAN JUNAIDI (BN-PBB)..............7,425
3. Wan Zainal Abidin Wan Senusi (PKR)............2,354
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................9,995
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................105
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,217
Majoriti/Majority: 2,164
N05: DEMAK LAUT: 10,437
1. DR HAZLAND ABANG HIPNI (BN-PBB)...............5,522
2. Ali Hossen bin Abang (PKR)....................1,770
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,390
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................98
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Abang Draup Zamahari Abang Haji Zen (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,094
Majoriti/Majority: 3,605
N06: TUPONG: 17,796
1. DATUK DAUD ABDUL RAHMAN (BN-PBB)...............8,304
2. Baharuddin @ Din Shah Mokhsen (PKR)............3,753
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................12,192
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................135
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,885
Majoriti/Majority: 4,572
N07: SAMARIANG: 15,942
2. Zulrusdi Mohamad Hol (PKR).........................2,577
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast...........................10,729
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.................................144
Penyandang/Incumbent: Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,365
Majoriti/Majority: 2,488
N08: SATOK: 10,431
2. Ahmad Nazib Johari (PKR)...........................1,891
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast............................6,661
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..................................79
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Abang Openg (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,222
Majoriti/Majority: 2,798
N09: PADUNGAN: 23,576
1. Dominique Ng Kim Ho (Bebas)......................439
2. WONG KING WEI (DAP)...........................11,957
3. Sim Kiang Chiok (BN-SUPP)......................4,073
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................16,538
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................69
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dominique Ng Kim Ho (PKR)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 8,002
Majoriti/Majority: 1,417
N010: PENDING: 29,488
1. Prof Dr Sim Kui Hian (BN-SUPP).................6,780
2. VIOLET YONG (DAP).............................14,375
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................21,274
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................119
Penyandang/Incumbent: Violet Yong (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 11,632
Majoriti/Majority: 4,372
N011: BATU LINTANG: 27,833
1. Sih Hua Tong (BN-SUPP).........................4,854
2. SEE CHEE HOW (PKR)............................13,235
3. Soo Lina (Bebas).................................290
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................18,440
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................61
Penyandang/Incumbent: Voon Lee Shan (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 8,806
Majoriti/Majority: 3,407
N012: KOTA SENTOSA: 27,301
1. CHONG CHIENG JEN (DAP)........................12,594
2. Datuk Alfred Yap Chin Loi (BN-SUPP)............7,770
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................20,559
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................195
Penyandang/Incumbent: Chong Chieng Jen (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled:6,579
Majoriti/Majority: 531
N013: BATU KAWAH: 20,664
1. CHRISTINA CHEW WANG SEE (DAP)..................7,439
2. Tan Joo Phoi (BN-SUPP).........................6,896
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,519
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................184
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Joo Phoi (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,755
Majoriti/Majority: 4,180
N014: ASAJAYA: 13,799
1. ABD KARIM RAHMAN HAMZAH (BN-PBB)...............7,597
2. Arip Ameran (PKR)..............................3,108
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,853
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................148
Penyandang/Incumbent: Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,949
Majoriti/Majority: 5,063
N015: MUARA TUANG: 18,820
2. Noraini Hamzah (PAS)...........................3,196
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,534
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................299
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri Haji Mohammad Ali Mahmud (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,863
Majoriti/Majority: 6,327
N016: BENGOH: 21,955
1. Willie ak Mongin (PKR).........................4,447
2. Wejok ak Tomik (Bebas).........................1,007
3. Richard @ Peter ak Margaret (SNAP)...............928
4. DR JERIP AK SUSIL (BN-SUPP)....................8,093
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,750
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................275
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Jerip ak Susil (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,540
Majoriti/Majority: 3,988
N018: TEBEDU: 12,497
1. Kipli bin Ale (Bebas)...........................260
3. Christopher ak Kiyui (PKR)....................2,130
4. Anthony ak Nais (SNAP)..........................468
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................9,203
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................149
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Michael Manyin ak Jawong (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,107
Majoriti/Majority: 4,256
N019: KEDUP: 17,466
1. Lainus ak Andrew Luwak (PKR)...................4,211
2. MACLAINE BEN @ MARTIN BEN (BN-PBB).............6,476
3. Amin ak Banti (Bebas)............................397
4. Belayong ak Jayang (SNAP)........................666
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................11,915
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................165
Penyandang/Incumbent: Frederick Bayoi ak Manggie (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,635
Majoriti/Majority: 1,981
N020: SADONG JAYA: 7,656
1. AIDEL LARIWOO (BN-PBB)........................4,008
2. Mahayudin Wahab (Bebas).........................402
3. Abang Eddy Allyanny Abang Fauzi (PAS).........1,074
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,573
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................89
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Wan Abdul Wahab Wan Sanusi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,715
Majoriti/Majority: 858
N021: SIMUNJAN: 10,104
1. MOHD NARODEN MAJAIS (BN-PBB)..................5,465
2. Mashor Hussen (PKR)...........................1,417
3. Zaini bin Le'' (Bebas)...........................179
4. Mac Palima ak Nyambil (PCM).....................237
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,383
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................85
Penyandang/Incumbent: Mohd Naroden Majais (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,786
Majoriti/Majority: 3,350
N022: SEBUYAU: 8,042
1. Ali bin Semsu (Bebas)............................67
2. Adam Ahid (PAS)...............................1,769
3. JULAIHI NARAWI (BN-PBB).......................4,045
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,968
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................87
Penyandang/Incumbent: Julaihi Narawi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,748
Majoriti/Majority: 2,448
N023: LINGGA: 7,745
1. SIMOI PERI (BN-PBB)...........................3,652
2. Abang Ahmad Arabi Abang Bolhassan (PKR).......1,146
3. Abang Othman Abang Gom (SNAP)...................359
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,240
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................83
Penyandang/Incumbent: Simoi Peri (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,245
Majoriti/Majority: 1,870
N024: BETING MARO: 7,868
1. RAZAILI GAPOR (BN-PBB)........................3,069
2. Abang Ahmad Kerdee Abang Masagus (PAS)........2,678
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,808
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................61
Penyandang/Incumbent: Bolhassan Di @ Ahmad Di (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,796
Majoriti/Majority: 895
N025: BALAI RINGIN: 8,798
1. Ibi ak Uding (PKR)............................1,260
2. SNOWDAN LAWAN (BN-PRS)........................4,145
3. Dan ak Giang (SNAP).............................765
4. Lipeh ak Mawi (PCM).............................126
5. Cobbold ak Lusoi (Bebas).........................85
6. Sujal ak Gansi (Bebas)...........................32
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,523
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................110
Penyandang/Incumbent: Snowdan Lawan (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,075
Majoriti/Majority: 1,516
N027: SIMANGGANG: 10,488
1. Leon Jimat Donald (DAP).......................2,311
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,136
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................67
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Francis Harden ak Hollis (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,144
Majoriti/Majority: 4,258
N028: ENGKELILI: 9,444
2. Jimmy Simon Maja (Bebas)........................414
3. Semijie ak Janting (SNAP).......................393
4. Marudi @ Barudi ak Mawang (PKR)...............1,121
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,926
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................70
1. Nicholas Bawin ak Anggat (PKR)................1,719
2. MALCOM MUSSEN AK LAMOH (BN-PRS)...............4,460
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,262
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................83
Penyandang/Incumbent: Malcom Mussen ak Lamoh (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes p
N031: LAYAR: 8,109
1. Joe ak Unggang (SNAP)...........................183
2. Stanny Embat Dharoh ak Laja (PKR).............1,787
3. Ngumbang @ Kibak ak Datu (Bebas)................170
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,934
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................91
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Dr Alfred Jabu ak Numpang (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,767
Majoriti/Majority: 2,677
N030: SARIBAS: 8,054
1. RICKY @ MOHAMMAD RAZI SITAM (BN-PBB)..........3,865
2. Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh (PKR).............2,137
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,078
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................76
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Wahbi Junaidi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,441
Majoriti/Majority: 94
N032: BUKIT SABAN: 7,657
1. Dayrell Walter Entrie (SNAP)....................641
2. Jerah ak Engkiong @ Edward Jerah (PKR)........1,125
3. ROBERT LAWSON CHUAT (BN-PBB)..................3,899
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,743
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................78
Penyandang/Incumbent: Robert Lawson Chuat (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,258
Majoriti/Majority: 1,878
N034: KRIAN: 11,016
1. Liman ak Sujang (SNAP)..........................216
2. Datuk Peter Nyarok ak Entrie (BN-SPDP)........3,088
3. Banyi ak Beriak (Bebas).........................125
4. ALI AK BIJU (PKR).............................5,178
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,674
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................67
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Peter Nyarok ak Entrie (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,784
Majoriti/Majority: 2,089
N035: BELAWAI: 8,623
1. Abdul Wahab Abdullah (PKR)......................618
2. Kiprawi bin Suhaili (Bebas).....................133
3. DATUK TALIF @ LEN SALLEH (BN-PBB).............5,164
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,006
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................91
Penyandang/Incumbent: Hamden Ahmad (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,102
Majoriti/Majority: 3,316
N036: SEMOP: 8,891
1. ABDULLAH SAIDOL (BN-PBB)......................4,814
2. Ong Chung Siew (PKR)............................564
3. Ajiji Fauzan (Bebas)............................419
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,911
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................114
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Mohamad Asfia Awang Nasar (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,479
Majoriti/Majority: 3,226
N037: DARO: 7,305
1. MURNI SUHAILI (BN-PBB)........................3,867
2. Jamaludin Ibrahim (PKR).........................475
3. Muhamad Zamhari Berawi (Bebas)..................670
4. Noh @ Muhamad Noh Bakri @ Bakeri (Bebas)........129
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,246
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................105
Penyandang/Incumbent: Murni Suhaili (BN-PBB)
(Menang Tidak Bertanding/Won Unopposed)
N038: JEMORENG: 8,635
1. Asbor Abdullah (Bebas)...........................77
2. Abdul Hafiz Noh (Bebas).......................1,579
3. GANI @ ABU SEMAN JAHWIE (BN-PBB)..............4,505
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,281
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................120
Penyandang/Incumbent: Abu Seman Jahwie (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,567
Majoriti/Majority: 1,710
N039: REPOK: 18,481
1. DR WONG HUA SEH (DAP)..........................7,900
2. Datuk David Teng Lung Chi (BN-SUPP)............5,221
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................13,364
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................243
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk David Teng Lung Chi (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,502
Majoriti/Majority: 576
N041: PAKAN : 9,274
1. DATUK SERI WILLIAM MAWAN (BN-SPDP)............3,938
2. Jamal Bin Abdullah @ Tedong ak Gunda (SNAP)...2,741
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,762
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................83
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri William Mawan (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,138
Majoriti/Majority: 1,763
N040: MERADONG: 15,337
1. Ling Kie King (BN-SUPP)........................4,197
2. TING TZE FUI (DAP).............................6,884
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................11,188
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................107
Penyandang/Incumbent: Ting Tze Fui (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,990
Majoriti/Majority: 3,578
N042: MELUAN: 11,487
1. John Brian Anthony ak Jeremy Guang (PKR)......2,973
2. WONG AK JUDAT (BN-SPDP).......................4,615
3. Labang ak Jamba (SNAP)..........................312
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,019
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.......................... 119
Penyandang/Incumbent: Wong ak Judat (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,086
Majoriti/Majority: 3,007
N043: NGEMAH: 8,058
1. ALEXANDER VINCENT (BN-PRS)....................2,361
2. Yakup Khalid (Bebas)............................278
3. Adeh ak Denong (PCM)..........................1,366
4. Michael ak Lias (SNAP)..........................577
5. Aris ak Alap (PKR)..............................650
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,324
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................92
Penyandang/Incumbent: Gabriel Adit ak Demong (IND)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,582
Majoriti/Majority: 549
N044: MACHAN: 9,944
1. Augustine ak Liom @ August Kiom (SNAP)..........338
2. Kong Tat Kim (PCM)..............................696
3. DATUK GRAMONG JUNA (BN-PBB)...................3,683
4. George Chen Nguk Fa (PKR).....................2,054
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,880
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................109
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Gramong Juna (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,045
Majoriti/Majority: 2,289
N045: BUKIT ASSEK: 26,926
1. Hii Tiong Huat (Bebas)...........................180
2. Chieng Huong Toon (BN-SUPP)....................4,700
3. WONG HO LENG (DAP)............................13,527
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................18,504
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................97
Penyandang/Incumbent: Wong Ho Leng (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 10,380
Majoriti/Majority: 4,751
N047: BAWANG ASSAN: 16,743
1. Alice Lau Kiong Yieng (DAP)...................5,508
2. DATUK SERI WONG SOON KOH (BN-SUPP)............7,316
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................12,930
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................106
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,804
Majoriti/Majority: 2,504
N048: PELAWAN: 28,808
1. Vincent Goh Chung Siong (BN-SUPP)..............6,927
2. DAVID WONG KEE WOAN (DAP).....................13,318
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................20,336
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................91
Penyandang/Incumbent: Vincent Goh Chung Siong (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,375
Majoriti/Majority: 263
N049: NANGKA: 14,197
1. DR ANNUAR RAPAEE (BN-PBB)......................7,710
2. Norisham Mohamed Ali (PKR).....................2,408
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,270
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................152
Penyandang/Incumbent: Awang Bemee Awang Ali Basah (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,202
Majoriti/Majority: 4,815
N050: DALAT: 11,857
2. Sylvester Ajah Subah @ Ajah Subah (PKR)...........1,298
3. Salleh Mahali (Bebas)...............................257
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast...........................8,038
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes................................195
Penyandang/Incumbent: Fatimah Abdullah @ Ting Sai Ming (BN-PBB)
(Menang Tidak Bertanding/Won Unopposed)
N051: BALINGIAN: 11,792
1. Suriati Abdullah (PKR)..........................871
2. TAN SRI ABDUL TAIB MAHMUD (BN-PBB)............6,210
3. Datuk Salleh Jafaruddin (Bebas)...............1,056
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,253
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................116
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,393
Majoriti/Majority: 5,726
052: TAMIN: 12,244
1. JOSEPH MAUH AK IKEH (BN-PRS)...................4,998
2. Mengga ak Mikui (PKR)..........................3,706
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast........................8,885
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................181
Penyandang/Incumbent: Joseph Mauh ak Ikeh (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,639
Majoriti/Majority: 2,377
N054: PELAGUS: 15,322
1. Stanley Nyitar @ Unja ak Malang (BN-PRS)......2,903
2. GEORGE AK LAGONG (BEBAS)......................5,740
3. Edward Sumbang ak Asun (PKR)..................1,171
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................9,986
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................172
Penyandang/Incumbent: Larry Sng Wei Shien (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,965
Majoriti/Majority: 3,239
N055: KATIBAS: 8,542
2. Toh Heng San (SNAP).............................897
3. Munan ak Laja (PKR)...........................1,070
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,378
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................85
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Ambrose Blikau ak Enturan (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,887
Majoriti/Majority: 3,332
N056: BALEH: 11,287
2. Bendindang ak Manjah (PKR)...................1,344
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,684
Peratus/Percentage.............................. 59.22%
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................0
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri Dr James Masing (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,330
Majoriti/Majority: 4,802
N057: BELAGA: 8,463
1. John Bampa @ Tusau (SNAP).......................368
2. Matthew ak Munan (Bebas).........................27
3. Basah Kesing @ Ali Basah Kesing (PKR).........1,046
4. Michael Jok (Bebas)..............................94
5. Kenneth Adan Silek (Bebas)......................330
6.LIWAN LAGANG (BN-PRS)..........................3,974
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,913
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................74
Penyandang/Incumbent: Liwan Lagang (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 1,855
Majoriti/Majority: 227
N062: LAMBIR: 14,144
1. RIPIN LAMAT (BN-PBB)..........................4,625
2. Johari Bujang (SNAP)............................693
3. Zolhaidah Suboh (PKR).........................3,104
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,565
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................143
Penyandang/Incumbent: Aidan Wing (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,331
Majoriti/Majority: 2,834
N063: PIASAU: 16,600
1. LING SIE KIONG (DAP)...........................5,998
2. Tan Sri Dr George Chan (BN-SUPP)...............4,408
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,479
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................73
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Dr George Chan (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,573
Majoriti/Majority: 3,918
N064: PUJUT: 22,577
1. Andy Chia Chu Fatt (BN-SUPP)...................5,271
2. FONG PAU TECK (DAP)............................9,120
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,458
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................67
Penyandang/Incumbent: Andy Chia Chu Fatt (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,493
Majoriti/Majority: 1,370
N065: SENADIN: 22,432
1. Michael Teo Yu Keng (PKR)......................7,276
2. DATUK LEE KIM SHIN (BN-SUPP)...................7,334
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,796
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................186
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Lee Kim Shin (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,173
Majoriti/Majority: 4,799
N066: MARUDI: 13,093
2. Michael Ding Tuah (Bebas).......................122
3. Gerang ak Dagom (PKR).........................1,376
4. Edwin Dundang ak Bugak (SNAP)...................281
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,443
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................86
Penyandang/Incumbent: Sylvester Entrie ak Muran (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,954
Majoriti/Majority: 4,284
N067: TELANG USAN: 13,623
1. Harrison Ngau Laing (PKR).....................2,752
2. Kebing Wan (SNAP)...............................705
3. Jok Ding (Bebas)................................623
4. DENNIS NGAU (BN-PBB)..........................3,597
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,763
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................86
Penyandang/Incumbent: Lihan Jok (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,593
Majoriti/Majority: 2,771
N069: BATU DANAU: 7,636
1. Dr Lau Liak Koi (PKR).........................1,348
2. Lawrence Cosmas Sunang ak Simpang (SNAP)........140
3. PALU @ PAULUS AK GUMBANG (BN-SPDP)............3,667
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,227
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................72
Penyandang/Incumbent: Palu @ Paulus ak Gumbang (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,961
Majoriti/Majority: 1,262
N070: BA'KELALAN: 6,958
1. BARU BIAN (PKR)...............................2,505
2. Willie Liau (BN-SPDP).........................2,032
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................4,574
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................37
Penyandang/Incumbent: Balang Rining (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,064
Majoriti/Majority: 475
N071: BUKIT SARI: 9,983
2. Japar Suyut (PKR)...............................955
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,067
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................94
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,596
Majoriti/Majority: 5,275
N01: OPAR: 8,099
1. Stephen ak Sagir (SNAP).....................6742.
2. Joseph Jindy ak Peter Rosen (Bebas).........475
3. Boniface Willy ak Tumek (PKR).............1,354
4. RANUM AK MINA (BN-SUPP)...................3,360
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast...................5,931
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.........................68
Penyandang/Incumbent: Ranum ak Mina (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,585
Majoriti/Majority: 2,183
N02: TASIK BIRU: 15,100
2. Frankie Jurem ak Nyombui (SNAP)..................825
3. John Tenewi Nuek (PKR).........................3,757
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,531
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................120
Penyandang/Incumbent: Peter Nansian ak Ngusie (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,393
Majoriti/Majority: 3,203
N03: TANJONG DATU: 7,936
1. TAN SRI ADENAN SATEM (BN-PBB).................4,218
2. Gilbert Asson ak Kulong (Bebas).................215
3. Nani Sahari (PAS).............................1,002
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,497
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................62
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Adenan Satem (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,545
Majoriti/Majority: 4,136
N04: PANTAI DAMAI: 14,104
1. Suhaini Selamat (Bebas).........................111
2. DR ABDUL RAHMAN JUNAIDI (BN-PBB)..............7,425
3. Wan Zainal Abidin Wan Senusi (PKR)............2,354
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................9,995
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................105
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,217
Majoriti/Majority: 2,164
N05: DEMAK LAUT: 10,437
1. DR HAZLAND ABANG HIPNI (BN-PBB)...............5,522
2. Ali Hossen bin Abang (PKR)....................1,770
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,390
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................98
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Abang Draup Zamahari Abang Haji Zen (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,094
Majoriti/Majority: 3,605
N06: TUPONG: 17,796
1. DATUK DAUD ABDUL RAHMAN (BN-PBB)...............8,304
2. Baharuddin @ Din Shah Mokhsen (PKR)............3,753
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................12,192
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................135
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,885
Majoriti/Majority: 4,572
N07: SAMARIANG: 15,942
2. Zulrusdi Mohamad Hol (PKR).........................2,577
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast...........................10,729
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.................................144
Penyandang/Incumbent: Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,365
Majoriti/Majority: 2,488
N08: SATOK: 10,431
2. Ahmad Nazib Johari (PKR)...........................1,891
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast............................6,661
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..................................79
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Abang Openg (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,222
Majoriti/Majority: 2,798
N09: PADUNGAN: 23,576
1. Dominique Ng Kim Ho (Bebas)......................439
2. WONG KING WEI (DAP)...........................11,957
3. Sim Kiang Chiok (BN-SUPP)......................4,073
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................16,538
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................69
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dominique Ng Kim Ho (PKR)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 8,002
Majoriti/Majority: 1,417
N010: PENDING: 29,488
1. Prof Dr Sim Kui Hian (BN-SUPP).................6,780
2. VIOLET YONG (DAP).............................14,375
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................21,274
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................119
Penyandang/Incumbent: Violet Yong (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 11,632
Majoriti/Majority: 4,372
N011: BATU LINTANG: 27,833
1. Sih Hua Tong (BN-SUPP).........................4,854
2. SEE CHEE HOW (PKR)............................13,235
3. Soo Lina (Bebas).................................290
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................18,440
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................61
Penyandang/Incumbent: Voon Lee Shan (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 8,806
Majoriti/Majority: 3,407
N012: KOTA SENTOSA: 27,301
1. CHONG CHIENG JEN (DAP)........................12,594
2. Datuk Alfred Yap Chin Loi (BN-SUPP)............7,770
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................20,559
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................195
Penyandang/Incumbent: Chong Chieng Jen (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled:6,579
Majoriti/Majority: 531
N013: BATU KAWAH: 20,664
1. CHRISTINA CHEW WANG SEE (DAP)..................7,439
2. Tan Joo Phoi (BN-SUPP).........................6,896
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,519
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................184
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Joo Phoi (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,755
Majoriti/Majority: 4,180
N014: ASAJAYA: 13,799
1. ABD KARIM RAHMAN HAMZAH (BN-PBB)...............7,597
2. Arip Ameran (PKR)..............................3,108
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,853
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................148
Penyandang/Incumbent: Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,949
Majoriti/Majority: 5,063
N015: MUARA TUANG: 18,820
2. Noraini Hamzah (PAS)...........................3,196
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,534
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................299
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri Haji Mohammad Ali Mahmud (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,863
Majoriti/Majority: 6,327
N016: BENGOH: 21,955
1. Willie ak Mongin (PKR).........................4,447
2. Wejok ak Tomik (Bebas).........................1,007
3. Richard @ Peter ak Margaret (SNAP)...............928
4. DR JERIP AK SUSIL (BN-SUPP)....................8,093
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,750
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................275
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Jerip ak Susil (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,540
Majoriti/Majority: 3,988
N018: TEBEDU: 12,497
1. Kipli bin Ale (Bebas)...........................260
3. Christopher ak Kiyui (PKR)....................2,130
4. Anthony ak Nais (SNAP)..........................468
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................9,203
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................149
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Michael Manyin ak Jawong (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,107
Majoriti/Majority: 4,256
N019: KEDUP: 17,466
1. Lainus ak Andrew Luwak (PKR)...................4,211
2. MACLAINE BEN @ MARTIN BEN (BN-PBB).............6,476
3. Amin ak Banti (Bebas)............................397
4. Belayong ak Jayang (SNAP)........................666
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................11,915
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................165
Penyandang/Incumbent: Frederick Bayoi ak Manggie (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,635
Majoriti/Majority: 1,981
N020: SADONG JAYA: 7,656
1. AIDEL LARIWOO (BN-PBB)........................4,008
2. Mahayudin Wahab (Bebas).........................402
3. Abang Eddy Allyanny Abang Fauzi (PAS).........1,074
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,573
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................89
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Wan Abdul Wahab Wan Sanusi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,715
Majoriti/Majority: 858
N021: SIMUNJAN: 10,104
1. MOHD NARODEN MAJAIS (BN-PBB)..................5,465
2. Mashor Hussen (PKR)...........................1,417
3. Zaini bin Le'' (Bebas)...........................179
4. Mac Palima ak Nyambil (PCM).....................237
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,383
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................85
Penyandang/Incumbent: Mohd Naroden Majais (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,786
Majoriti/Majority: 3,350
N022: SEBUYAU: 8,042
1. Ali bin Semsu (Bebas)............................67
2. Adam Ahid (PAS)...............................1,769
3. JULAIHI NARAWI (BN-PBB).......................4,045
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,968
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................87
Penyandang/Incumbent: Julaihi Narawi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,748
Majoriti/Majority: 2,448
N023: LINGGA: 7,745
1. SIMOI PERI (BN-PBB)...........................3,652
2. Abang Ahmad Arabi Abang Bolhassan (PKR).......1,146
3. Abang Othman Abang Gom (SNAP)...................359
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,240
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................83
Penyandang/Incumbent: Simoi Peri (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,245
Majoriti/Majority: 1,870
N024: BETING MARO: 7,868
1. RAZAILI GAPOR (BN-PBB)........................3,069
2. Abang Ahmad Kerdee Abang Masagus (PAS)........2,678
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,808
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................61
Penyandang/Incumbent: Bolhassan Di @ Ahmad Di (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,796
Majoriti/Majority: 895
N025: BALAI RINGIN: 8,798
1. Ibi ak Uding (PKR)............................1,260
2. SNOWDAN LAWAN (BN-PRS)........................4,145
3. Dan ak Giang (SNAP).............................765
4. Lipeh ak Mawi (PCM).............................126
5. Cobbold ak Lusoi (Bebas).........................85
6. Sujal ak Gansi (Bebas)...........................32
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,523
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................110
Penyandang/Incumbent: Snowdan Lawan (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,075
Majoriti/Majority: 1,516
N027: SIMANGGANG: 10,488
1. Leon Jimat Donald (DAP).......................2,311
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,136
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................67
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Francis Harden ak Hollis (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,144
Majoriti/Majority: 4,258
N028: ENGKELILI: 9,444
2. Jimmy Simon Maja (Bebas)........................414
3. Semijie ak Janting (SNAP).......................393
4. Marudi @ Barudi ak Mawang (PKR)...............1,121
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,926
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................70
1. Nicholas Bawin ak Anggat (PKR)................1,719
2. MALCOM MUSSEN AK LAMOH (BN-PRS)...............4,460
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,262
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................83
Penyandang/Incumbent: Malcom Mussen ak Lamoh (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes p
N031: LAYAR: 8,109
1. Joe ak Unggang (SNAP)...........................183
2. Stanny Embat Dharoh ak Laja (PKR).............1,787
3. Ngumbang @ Kibak ak Datu (Bebas)................170
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,934
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................91
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Dr Alfred Jabu ak Numpang (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,767
Majoriti/Majority: 2,677
N030: SARIBAS: 8,054
1. RICKY @ MOHAMMAD RAZI SITAM (BN-PBB)..........3,865
2. Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh (PKR).............2,137
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,078
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................76
Penyandang/Incumbent: Dr Wahbi Junaidi (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,441
Majoriti/Majority: 94
N032: BUKIT SABAN: 7,657
1. Dayrell Walter Entrie (SNAP)....................641
2. Jerah ak Engkiong @ Edward Jerah (PKR)........1,125
3. ROBERT LAWSON CHUAT (BN-PBB)..................3,899
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,743
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................78
Penyandang/Incumbent: Robert Lawson Chuat (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,258
Majoriti/Majority: 1,878
N034: KRIAN: 11,016
1. Liman ak Sujang (SNAP)..........................216
2. Datuk Peter Nyarok ak Entrie (BN-SPDP)........3,088
3. Banyi ak Beriak (Bebas).........................125
4. ALI AK BIJU (PKR).............................5,178
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,674
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................67
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Peter Nyarok ak Entrie (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,784
Majoriti/Majority: 2,089
N035: BELAWAI: 8,623
1. Abdul Wahab Abdullah (PKR)......................618
2. Kiprawi bin Suhaili (Bebas).....................133
3. DATUK TALIF @ LEN SALLEH (BN-PBB).............5,164
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,006
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................91
Penyandang/Incumbent: Hamden Ahmad (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,102
Majoriti/Majority: 3,316
N036: SEMOP: 8,891
1. ABDULLAH SAIDOL (BN-PBB)......................4,814
2. Ong Chung Siew (PKR)............................564
3. Ajiji Fauzan (Bebas)............................419
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,911
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................114
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Mohamad Asfia Awang Nasar (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,479
Majoriti/Majority: 3,226
N037: DARO: 7,305
1. MURNI SUHAILI (BN-PBB)........................3,867
2. Jamaludin Ibrahim (PKR).........................475
3. Muhamad Zamhari Berawi (Bebas)..................670
4. Noh @ Muhamad Noh Bakri @ Bakeri (Bebas)........129
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,246
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................105
Penyandang/Incumbent: Murni Suhaili (BN-PBB)
(Menang Tidak Bertanding/Won Unopposed)
N038: JEMORENG: 8,635
1. Asbor Abdullah (Bebas)...........................77
2. Abdul Hafiz Noh (Bebas).......................1,579
3. GANI @ ABU SEMAN JAHWIE (BN-PBB)..............4,505
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,281
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................120
Penyandang/Incumbent: Abu Seman Jahwie (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,567
Majoriti/Majority: 1,710
N039: REPOK: 18,481
1. DR WONG HUA SEH (DAP)..........................7,900
2. Datuk David Teng Lung Chi (BN-SUPP)............5,221
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................13,364
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................243
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk David Teng Lung Chi (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,502
Majoriti/Majority: 576
N041: PAKAN : 9,274
1. DATUK SERI WILLIAM MAWAN (BN-SPDP)............3,938
2. Jamal Bin Abdullah @ Tedong ak Gunda (SNAP)...2,741
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,762
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................83
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri William Mawan (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,138
Majoriti/Majority: 1,763
N040: MERADONG: 15,337
1. Ling Kie King (BN-SUPP)........................4,197
2. TING TZE FUI (DAP).............................6,884
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................11,188
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................107
Penyandang/Incumbent: Ting Tze Fui (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,990
Majoriti/Majority: 3,578
N042: MELUAN: 11,487
1. John Brian Anthony ak Jeremy Guang (PKR)......2,973
2. WONG AK JUDAT (BN-SPDP).......................4,615
3. Labang ak Jamba (SNAP)..........................312
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,019
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.......................... 119
Penyandang/Incumbent: Wong ak Judat (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,086
Majoriti/Majority: 3,007
N043: NGEMAH: 8,058
1. ALEXANDER VINCENT (BN-PRS)....................2,361
2. Yakup Khalid (Bebas)............................278
3. Adeh ak Denong (PCM)..........................1,366
4. Michael ak Lias (SNAP)..........................577
5. Aris ak Alap (PKR)..............................650
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,324
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................92
Penyandang/Incumbent: Gabriel Adit ak Demong (IND)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,582
Majoriti/Majority: 549
N044: MACHAN: 9,944
1. Augustine ak Liom @ August Kiom (SNAP)..........338
2. Kong Tat Kim (PCM)..............................696
3. DATUK GRAMONG JUNA (BN-PBB)...................3,683
4. George Chen Nguk Fa (PKR).....................2,054
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,880
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................109
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Gramong Juna (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,045
Majoriti/Majority: 2,289
N045: BUKIT ASSEK: 26,926
1. Hii Tiong Huat (Bebas)...........................180
2. Chieng Huong Toon (BN-SUPP)....................4,700
3. WONG HO LENG (DAP)............................13,527
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................18,504
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................97
Penyandang/Incumbent: Wong Ho Leng (DAP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 10,380
Majoriti/Majority: 4,751
N047: BAWANG ASSAN: 16,743
1. Alice Lau Kiong Yieng (DAP)...................5,508
2. DATUK SERI WONG SOON KOH (BN-SUPP)............7,316
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................12,930
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................106
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,804
Majoriti/Majority: 2,504
N048: PELAWAN: 28,808
1. Vincent Goh Chung Siong (BN-SUPP)..............6,927
2. DAVID WONG KEE WOAN (DAP).....................13,318
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................20,336
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................91
Penyandang/Incumbent: Vincent Goh Chung Siong (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,375
Majoriti/Majority: 263
N049: NANGKA: 14,197
1. DR ANNUAR RAPAEE (BN-PBB)......................7,710
2. Norisham Mohamed Ali (PKR).....................2,408
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,270
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................152
Penyandang/Incumbent: Awang Bemee Awang Ali Basah (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,202
Majoriti/Majority: 4,815
N050: DALAT: 11,857
2. Sylvester Ajah Subah @ Ajah Subah (PKR)...........1,298
3. Salleh Mahali (Bebas)...............................257
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast...........................8,038
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes................................195
Penyandang/Incumbent: Fatimah Abdullah @ Ting Sai Ming (BN-PBB)
(Menang Tidak Bertanding/Won Unopposed)
N051: BALINGIAN: 11,792
1. Suriati Abdullah (PKR)..........................871
2. TAN SRI ABDUL TAIB MAHMUD (BN-PBB)............6,210
3. Datuk Salleh Jafaruddin (Bebas)...............1,056
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,253
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................116
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,393
Majoriti/Majority: 5,726
052: TAMIN: 12,244
1. JOSEPH MAUH AK IKEH (BN-PRS)...................4,998
2. Mengga ak Mikui (PKR)..........................3,706
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast........................8,885
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................181
Penyandang/Incumbent: Joseph Mauh ak Ikeh (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,639
Majoriti/Majority: 2,377
N054: PELAGUS: 15,322
1. Stanley Nyitar @ Unja ak Malang (BN-PRS)......2,903
2. GEORGE AK LAGONG (BEBAS)......................5,740
3. Edward Sumbang ak Asun (PKR)..................1,171
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................9,986
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................172
Penyandang/Incumbent: Larry Sng Wei Shien (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,965
Majoriti/Majority: 3,239
N055: KATIBAS: 8,542
2. Toh Heng San (SNAP).............................897
3. Munan ak Laja (PKR)...........................1,070
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,378
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................85
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Ambrose Blikau ak Enturan (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 3,887
Majoriti/Majority: 3,332
N056: BALEH: 11,287
2. Bendindang ak Manjah (PKR)...................1,344
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,684
Peratus/Percentage.............................. 59.22%
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................0
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Seri Dr James Masing (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,330
Majoriti/Majority: 4,802
N057: BELAGA: 8,463
1. John Bampa @ Tusau (SNAP).......................368
2. Matthew ak Munan (Bebas).........................27
3. Basah Kesing @ Ali Basah Kesing (PKR).........1,046
4. Michael Jok (Bebas)..............................94
5. Kenneth Adan Silek (Bebas)......................330
6.LIWAN LAGANG (BN-PRS)..........................3,974
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,913
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................74
Penyandang/Incumbent: Liwan Lagang (BN-PRS)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 1,855
Majoriti/Majority: 227
N062: LAMBIR: 14,144
1. RIPIN LAMAT (BN-PBB)..........................4,625
2. Johari Bujang (SNAP)............................693
3. Zolhaidah Suboh (PKR).........................3,104
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................8,565
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes............................143
Penyandang/Incumbent: Aidan Wing (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,331
Majoriti/Majority: 2,834
N063: PIASAU: 16,600
1. LING SIE KIONG (DAP)...........................5,998
2. Tan Sri Dr George Chan (BN-SUPP)...............4,408
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................10,479
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................73
Penyandang/Incumbent: Tan Sri Dr George Chan (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,573
Majoriti/Majority: 3,918
N064: PUJUT: 22,577
1. Andy Chia Chu Fatt (BN-SUPP)...................5,271
2. FONG PAU TECK (DAP)............................9,120
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,458
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes..............................67
Penyandang/Incumbent: Andy Chia Chu Fatt (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 6,493
Majoriti/Majority: 1,370
N065: SENADIN: 22,432
1. Michael Teo Yu Keng (PKR)......................7,276
2. DATUK LEE KIM SHIN (BN-SUPP)...................7,334
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................14,796
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................186
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Lee Kim Shin (BN-SUPP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 7,173
Majoriti/Majority: 4,799
N066: MARUDI: 13,093
2. Michael Ding Tuah (Bebas).......................122
3. Gerang ak Dagom (PKR).........................1,376
4. Edwin Dundang ak Bugak (SNAP)...................281
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................6,443
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................86
Penyandang/Incumbent: Sylvester Entrie ak Muran (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,954
Majoriti/Majority: 4,284
N067: TELANG USAN: 13,623
1. Harrison Ngau Laing (PKR).....................2,752
2. Kebing Wan (SNAP)...............................705
3. Jok Ding (Bebas)................................623
4. DENNIS NGAU (BN-PBB)..........................3,597
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,763
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................86
Penyandang/Incumbent: Lihan Jok (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 4,593
Majoriti/Majority: 2,771
N069: BATU DANAU: 7,636
1. Dr Lau Liak Koi (PKR).........................1,348
2. Lawrence Cosmas Sunang ak Simpang (SNAP)........140
3. PALU @ PAULUS AK GUMBANG (BN-SPDP)............3,667
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................5,227
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................72
Penyandang/Incumbent: Palu @ Paulus ak Gumbang (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,961
Majoriti/Majority: 1,262
N070: BA'KELALAN: 6,958
1. BARU BIAN (PKR)...............................2,505
2. Willie Liau (BN-SPDP).........................2,032
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................4,574
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................37
Penyandang/Incumbent: Balang Rining (BN-SPDP)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 2,064
Majoriti/Majority: 475
N071: BUKIT SARI: 9,983
2. Japar Suyut (PKR)...............................955
Jumlah mengundi/Votes Cast.......................7,067
Undi rosak/Spoilt votes.............................94
Penyandang/Incumbent: Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan (BN-PBB)
Undi diperolehi/Votes polled: 5,596
Majoriti/Majority: 5,275
Khamis, 14 April 2011
Raja Petra dedah “kepala konspirasi” sebenar - Anuar
KUALA LUMPUR 14 April – Pengakuan pengendali blog Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamaruddin mengenai cubaan memfitnah Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak merupakan petunjuk jelas tentang siapa sebenarnya “kepala konspirasi” dalam politik negara.
Bekas Setiausaha Sulit Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Anuar Shaari berkata, di sebalik pendedahan Raja Petra itu, apa yang dapat dilihat ialah siapa sebenarnya yang menabur fitnah dan mewujudkan konspirasi mengaitkan Perdana Menteri dan isteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, dengan kes pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu.
"Raja Petra telah dedahkan beberapa nama dan individu yang berkait secara langsung dengan seorang pemimpin pembangkang yang dikatakan perancang segala konspirasi ini dengan niat tidak mahu Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri,” katanya di sini hari ini.
Dalam siaran Buletin Utama TV3 malam tadi, Raja Petra mendedahkan bahawa akuan bersumpah beliau pada 2008 yang mengaitkan Najib dengan kes pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu pada 2006 adalah berdasarkan maklumat dan desakan beberapa individu bertujuan menyekat Najib, yang ketika itu Timbalan Perdana Menteri, daripada menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Raja Petra berkata, beliau sendiri tidak pernah menuduh Najib atau Rosmah terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan wanita Mongolia itu dan beliau kini tidak lagi mempercayai cerita individu dari parti pembangkang itu yang dikatakannya mempunyai kaitan dengan beberapa tokoh politik termasuk Anwar.
Anuar berkata, pengakuan Raja Petra itu amat mengejutkan dan beliau percaya pemimpin pembangkang itu tidak akan berani memfailkan saman terhadap Raja Petra. - Bernama
Bekas Setiausaha Sulit Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Anuar Shaari berkata, di sebalik pendedahan Raja Petra itu, apa yang dapat dilihat ialah siapa sebenarnya yang menabur fitnah dan mewujudkan konspirasi mengaitkan Perdana Menteri dan isteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, dengan kes pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu.
"Raja Petra telah dedahkan beberapa nama dan individu yang berkait secara langsung dengan seorang pemimpin pembangkang yang dikatakan perancang segala konspirasi ini dengan niat tidak mahu Najib menjadi Perdana Menteri,” katanya di sini hari ini.
Dalam siaran Buletin Utama TV3 malam tadi, Raja Petra mendedahkan bahawa akuan bersumpah beliau pada 2008 yang mengaitkan Najib dengan kes pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu pada 2006 adalah berdasarkan maklumat dan desakan beberapa individu bertujuan menyekat Najib, yang ketika itu Timbalan Perdana Menteri, daripada menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Raja Petra berkata, beliau sendiri tidak pernah menuduh Najib atau Rosmah terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan wanita Mongolia itu dan beliau kini tidak lagi mempercayai cerita individu dari parti pembangkang itu yang dikatakannya mempunyai kaitan dengan beberapa tokoh politik termasuk Anwar.
Anuar berkata, pengakuan Raja Petra itu amat mengejutkan dan beliau percaya pemimpin pembangkang itu tidak akan berani memfailkan saman terhadap Raja Petra. - Bernama
Sabtu, 9 April 2011
Bomoh rogol pelajar
JITRA: Seorang pelajar perempuan tingkatan lima dirogol seorang bomoh ketika sedang mendapatkan rawatan perubatan tradisional yang kononnya untuk membuang makhluk halus yang merasuk badan gadis berkenaan di rumah suspek di Simpang Kemboja di sini, malam Selasa lalu.
Difahamkan gadis berkenaan datang bersama bapanya ke rumah bomoh berusia 36 tahun itu untuk berubat pada petang Isnin lalu, bagaimanapun diminta untuk datang semula pada malam esoknya (Selasa) kononnya untuk membuang makhluk halus yang masuk ke dalam tubuh gadis itu.
Gadis itu yang juga pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Ayer Hitam di sini, datang ke rumah bomoh berkenaan bersama bapanya kira-kira jam 8.30 malam sebelum diminta untuk ke sebuah bilik bagi memulakan rawatan perubatan tradisional berkenaan.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Kubang Pasu, Deputi Supritendan Ibrahim Mohamad Yusof, berkata bomoh itu dipercayai mengambil kesempatan merogol pelajar berkenaan ketika sedang berdua-duaan di dalam bilik terbabit untuk merawat mangsa.
"Bapa mangsa tidak menyedari perlakuan keji bomoh berkenaan terhadap anak gadisnya kerana diminta menunggu di ruang tamu rumah berkenaan ketika 'sesi rawatan' dan hanya menyedari anaknya dirogol selepas dimaklumkan mangsa pada keesokannya.
“Bapa mangsa kemudian membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kubang Pasu pada pagi Rabu lalu sebelum tangkapan dilakukan petang hari sama di tempat kerja suspek iaitu di sebuah syarikat ternakan udang di sini kira-kira jam 7 petang," katanya pada sidang media di sini, semalam.
Difahamkan, isteri dan anak suspek turut berada di rumah berkenaan ketika dia melakukan perbuatan terkutuk itu.
Ibrahim berkata, bomoh berkenaan direman empat hari bermula kelmarin dan suspek disiasat mengikut Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan yang jika sabit kesalahan boleh dipenjara 20 tahun serta sebatan.
"Kita sudah mengambil keterangan mangsa dan sedang menjalankan siasatan terhadap kes ini selain mengesan sama ada suspek pernah melakukan jenayah sama kepada pesakit wanita yang mendapatkan rawatan dengannya.
"Justeru, polis menasihatkan ibu bapa supaya berhati-hati ketika membawa anak gadis mendapatkan rawatan tradisional dengan bomoh atau dukun kerana kita dapati kes seumpama ini sering berlaku," katanya. - BERITA HARIAN 09hb April 2011
Difahamkan gadis berkenaan datang bersama bapanya ke rumah bomoh berusia 36 tahun itu untuk berubat pada petang Isnin lalu, bagaimanapun diminta untuk datang semula pada malam esoknya (Selasa) kononnya untuk membuang makhluk halus yang masuk ke dalam tubuh gadis itu.
Gadis itu yang juga pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Ayer Hitam di sini, datang ke rumah bomoh berkenaan bersama bapanya kira-kira jam 8.30 malam sebelum diminta untuk ke sebuah bilik bagi memulakan rawatan perubatan tradisional berkenaan.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Kubang Pasu, Deputi Supritendan Ibrahim Mohamad Yusof, berkata bomoh itu dipercayai mengambil kesempatan merogol pelajar berkenaan ketika sedang berdua-duaan di dalam bilik terbabit untuk merawat mangsa.
"Bapa mangsa tidak menyedari perlakuan keji bomoh berkenaan terhadap anak gadisnya kerana diminta menunggu di ruang tamu rumah berkenaan ketika 'sesi rawatan' dan hanya menyedari anaknya dirogol selepas dimaklumkan mangsa pada keesokannya.
“Bapa mangsa kemudian membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kubang Pasu pada pagi Rabu lalu sebelum tangkapan dilakukan petang hari sama di tempat kerja suspek iaitu di sebuah syarikat ternakan udang di sini kira-kira jam 7 petang," katanya pada sidang media di sini, semalam.
Difahamkan, isteri dan anak suspek turut berada di rumah berkenaan ketika dia melakukan perbuatan terkutuk itu.
Ibrahim berkata, bomoh berkenaan direman empat hari bermula kelmarin dan suspek disiasat mengikut Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan yang jika sabit kesalahan boleh dipenjara 20 tahun serta sebatan.
"Kita sudah mengambil keterangan mangsa dan sedang menjalankan siasatan terhadap kes ini selain mengesan sama ada suspek pernah melakukan jenayah sama kepada pesakit wanita yang mendapatkan rawatan dengannya.
"Justeru, polis menasihatkan ibu bapa supaya berhati-hati ketika membawa anak gadis mendapatkan rawatan tradisional dengan bomoh atau dukun kerana kita dapati kes seumpama ini sering berlaku," katanya. - BERITA HARIAN 09hb April 2011
Selasa, 5 April 2011
Adik Saiful Syazani diikat, dicekik dan dipukul sampai mati...
Kanak-kanak 7 Tahun Mangsa Dera Mati Kerana Pendarahan Otak - Polis
KANGAR: Pelajar lelaki berusia tujuh tahun yang didakwa menjadi mangsa pukul seorang guru sehingga meninggal dunia telah disahkan menemui ajalnya akibat pendarahan dalam otak.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Polis Perlis, Superintenden Mohd Nashir Ya berkata, hasil bedah siasat mendapati, mangsa ada kemungkinan dicekik dileher mengakibatkan saluran oksigen ke otaknya terjejas dan ini menyebabkan pendarahan dalam otak.
Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee meninggal dunia empat hari selepas dia dikatakan diikat dan dikemudian dipukul selama lebih dua jam oleh seorang guru yang juga warden Sekolah Agama Al-Furqan di Jejawi, Arau dekat sini pada malam Khamis lepas.
Kanak-kanak itu yang kemudiannya dimasukkan ke Hospital Sultan Bahiyah Alor Setar pada hari Jumaat meninggal dunia pada kira-kira jam 8 pagi Ahad.
Supt Mohd Nashir memberitahu para wartawan di sini, pada Selasa, bahawa siasatan ke atas kes tersebut telah pun selesai dan kes tersebut telah dipanjangkan ke pejabat timbalan pendakwa raya negeri untuk tindakan seterusnya.
“Kami turut mendapatkan perintah penyambungan tahanan reman ke atas suspek yang berusia 26 tahun itu yang telahpun ditahan berhubung kes ini sehingga 11 April,” ujarnya lagi.
KANGAR: Pelajar lelaki berusia tujuh tahun yang didakwa menjadi mangsa pukul seorang guru sehingga meninggal dunia telah disahkan menemui ajalnya akibat pendarahan dalam otak.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Polis Perlis, Superintenden Mohd Nashir Ya berkata, hasil bedah siasat mendapati, mangsa ada kemungkinan dicekik dileher mengakibatkan saluran oksigen ke otaknya terjejas dan ini menyebabkan pendarahan dalam otak.
Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee meninggal dunia empat hari selepas dia dikatakan diikat dan dikemudian dipukul selama lebih dua jam oleh seorang guru yang juga warden Sekolah Agama Al-Furqan di Jejawi, Arau dekat sini pada malam Khamis lepas.
Kanak-kanak itu yang kemudiannya dimasukkan ke Hospital Sultan Bahiyah Alor Setar pada hari Jumaat meninggal dunia pada kira-kira jam 8 pagi Ahad.
Supt Mohd Nashir memberitahu para wartawan di sini, pada Selasa, bahawa siasatan ke atas kes tersebut telah pun selesai dan kes tersebut telah dipanjangkan ke pejabat timbalan pendakwa raya negeri untuk tindakan seterusnya.
“Kami turut mendapatkan perintah penyambungan tahanan reman ke atas suspek yang berusia 26 tahun itu yang telahpun ditahan berhubung kes ini sehingga 11 April,” ujarnya lagi.
Milik Pas rupanya, patutlah....
Pas Mohon Maaf Atas Kematian Murid 7 Tahun
KANGAR: PAS Perlis memohon maaf kepada rakyat Malaysia berhubung kematian seorang pelajar berusia tujuh tahun dua hari lepas yang dikaitkan dengan tindakan hukuman seorang ustaz yang berlaku di Sekolah Rendah Islam Al Furqan kelolaan parti itu di Jejawi dekat sini.
Pesuruhjaya PAS Perlis, Hashim Jasin berkata, pihaknya juga memohon maaf kepada para guru berhubung peristiwa yang telah mencalar imej dan persepsi umum terhadap warga pendidik.
Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee meninggal dunia di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Setar pada Ahad selepas dipercayai dipukul seorang ustaz yang juga warden asrama sekolah itu pada Khamis ketika menyiasat kes kecurian.
"Kejadian ini sesuatu yang amat memeranjatkan setelah lebih 25 tahun mengelola institusi pendidikan milik parti," katanya selepas menghadiri persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perlis di sini Selasa.
Hashim, yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Sanglang menambah, PAS Perlis berharap proses siasatan dan perbicaraan dilaksana secara rapi dan mendalam bagi menegakkan keadilan kepada semua pihak terbabit.
Pengerusi Lembaga Tadbir sekolah itu, Rus'sele Eizan pula berkata, pihaknya telah mengambil langkah sewajarnya bagi memastikan semua institusi pendidikan milik parti itu beroperasi dalam suasana pembelajaran yang selamat dan lancar.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Umno Bahagian Arau Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim berharap sekolah agama rakyat seperti itu melantik hanya guru-guru bertauliah bagi mengelak kejadian seumpama itu daripada berulang.
"Setiap guru yang dilantik perlu melalui proses latihan perguruan meskipun mereka memiliki kelayakan akademik yang tinggi," katanya.
KANGAR: PAS Perlis memohon maaf kepada rakyat Malaysia berhubung kematian seorang pelajar berusia tujuh tahun dua hari lepas yang dikaitkan dengan tindakan hukuman seorang ustaz yang berlaku di Sekolah Rendah Islam Al Furqan kelolaan parti itu di Jejawi dekat sini.
Pesuruhjaya PAS Perlis, Hashim Jasin berkata, pihaknya juga memohon maaf kepada para guru berhubung peristiwa yang telah mencalar imej dan persepsi umum terhadap warga pendidik.
Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee meninggal dunia di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Setar pada Ahad selepas dipercayai dipukul seorang ustaz yang juga warden asrama sekolah itu pada Khamis ketika menyiasat kes kecurian.
"Kejadian ini sesuatu yang amat memeranjatkan setelah lebih 25 tahun mengelola institusi pendidikan milik parti," katanya selepas menghadiri persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perlis di sini Selasa.
Hashim, yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Sanglang menambah, PAS Perlis berharap proses siasatan dan perbicaraan dilaksana secara rapi dan mendalam bagi menegakkan keadilan kepada semua pihak terbabit.
Pengerusi Lembaga Tadbir sekolah itu, Rus'sele Eizan pula berkata, pihaknya telah mengambil langkah sewajarnya bagi memastikan semua institusi pendidikan milik parti itu beroperasi dalam suasana pembelajaran yang selamat dan lancar.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Umno Bahagian Arau Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim berharap sekolah agama rakyat seperti itu melantik hanya guru-guru bertauliah bagi mengelak kejadian seumpama itu daripada berulang.
"Setiap guru yang dilantik perlu melalui proses latihan perguruan meskipun mereka memiliki kelayakan akademik yang tinggi," katanya.
Ahad, 3 April 2011
Pergi jua akhirnya... Al-Fatihah
Murid Kena Pukul Meninggal Dunia, Penyelia Asrama Ditahan
ALOR SETAR: Murid yang dikatakan dipukul oleh seorang guru di asrama sebuah Sekolah Agama Rakyat di Jejawi, Perlis sehingga koma Khamis lalu, meninggal dunia di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah di sini, Ahad.
Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee, 7, disahkan meninggal dunia pada pukul 8.50 pagi tadi sejak dimasukkan ke hospital berkenaan Jumaat lepas.
Mayatnya dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Tok Paduka, Kangar petang ini.Kejadian tersebut dilaporkan berlaku pada pukul 7 malam pada hari kejadian apabila seorang guru lelaki yang berumur 26 tahun dikatakan telah memukul kanak-kanak tersebut selama hampir dua jam sehingga dia pengsan.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Perlis, Supt Nashir Ya berkata suspek yang juga Penyelia Asrama sekolah berkenaan telah ditahan pada pukul 10 malam tadi.
"Polis masih menunggu laporan bedah siasat dan menyiasat kes ini di bawah Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan," katanya.
Ibu angkat mangsa, Hazirah Chin, 38, berkata sebelum dimasukkan ke Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, anak angkatnya yang tidak sedarkan diri itu dibawa ke Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Kangar pada pukul 1.40 pagi Jumaat.
"Saya dapat panggilan daripada seorang ustaz. Dia tanya sama ada Saiful ada penyakit tarik (sawan). Saya kata tak ada. Lepas tu dia kata dia nak datang ambil saya ke hospital sebab Saiful masuk hospital dan kena pindah ke hospital di Alor Setar," katanya di rumah mayat Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah.
Hazirah berkata dia dapat melihat kesan melecet pada pergelangan tangan mangsa selain kesan lebam di bahagian matanya.
"Saya diberitahu Saiful alami pendarahan di bahagian kepala. Pada mulanya doktor kata dia stabil tapi semalam (Sabtu) doktor beritahu dia sudah tak ada harapan untuk hidup," katanya.
"Ketika mula-mula masuk asrama, arwah gembira sangat-sangat. Dia kerap balik sebab sekolah tak sampai satu kilometer dari rumah kami," tambahnya.
Bapa kandung mangsa, Saiful Sopfidee Marzuki, 34, berkata anaknya dipelihara oleh keluarga angkat selepas isterinya meninggal dunia ketika Saiful Syazani baru berusia tiga tahun.
"Kali terakhir saya bertemu anak saya setahun lalu, sebab saya tinggal di Langkawi dan baru berpindah ke Jitra sebulan lalu," katanya.
Saiful Sopfidee berkata dia dimaklumkan mengenai kejadian yang menimpa anaknya pada pukul 8 pagi pada hari Jumaat bahawa Saiful Syazani dimasukkan ke hospital kerana dipukul orang.
Selepas melihat keadaan anaknya akibat dipukul, Saiful Sopfidee telah membuat laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kedah pada petang Jumaat.- BERNAMA (Ahad April 3, 2011)
ALOR SETAR: Murid yang dikatakan dipukul oleh seorang guru di asrama sebuah Sekolah Agama Rakyat di Jejawi, Perlis sehingga koma Khamis lalu, meninggal dunia di Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah di sini, Ahad.
Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee, 7, disahkan meninggal dunia pada pukul 8.50 pagi tadi sejak dimasukkan ke hospital berkenaan Jumaat lepas.
Mayatnya dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Tok Paduka, Kangar petang ini.Kejadian tersebut dilaporkan berlaku pada pukul 7 malam pada hari kejadian apabila seorang guru lelaki yang berumur 26 tahun dikatakan telah memukul kanak-kanak tersebut selama hampir dua jam sehingga dia pengsan.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Perlis, Supt Nashir Ya berkata suspek yang juga Penyelia Asrama sekolah berkenaan telah ditahan pada pukul 10 malam tadi.
"Polis masih menunggu laporan bedah siasat dan menyiasat kes ini di bawah Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan," katanya.
Ibu angkat mangsa, Hazirah Chin, 38, berkata sebelum dimasukkan ke Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, anak angkatnya yang tidak sedarkan diri itu dibawa ke Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Kangar pada pukul 1.40 pagi Jumaat.
"Saya dapat panggilan daripada seorang ustaz. Dia tanya sama ada Saiful ada penyakit tarik (sawan). Saya kata tak ada. Lepas tu dia kata dia nak datang ambil saya ke hospital sebab Saiful masuk hospital dan kena pindah ke hospital di Alor Setar," katanya di rumah mayat Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah.
Hazirah berkata dia dapat melihat kesan melecet pada pergelangan tangan mangsa selain kesan lebam di bahagian matanya.
"Saya diberitahu Saiful alami pendarahan di bahagian kepala. Pada mulanya doktor kata dia stabil tapi semalam (Sabtu) doktor beritahu dia sudah tak ada harapan untuk hidup," katanya.
"Ketika mula-mula masuk asrama, arwah gembira sangat-sangat. Dia kerap balik sebab sekolah tak sampai satu kilometer dari rumah kami," tambahnya.
Bapa kandung mangsa, Saiful Sopfidee Marzuki, 34, berkata anaknya dipelihara oleh keluarga angkat selepas isterinya meninggal dunia ketika Saiful Syazani baru berusia tiga tahun.
"Kali terakhir saya bertemu anak saya setahun lalu, sebab saya tinggal di Langkawi dan baru berpindah ke Jitra sebulan lalu," katanya.
Saiful Sopfidee berkata dia dimaklumkan mengenai kejadian yang menimpa anaknya pada pukul 8 pagi pada hari Jumaat bahawa Saiful Syazani dimasukkan ke hospital kerana dipukul orang.
Selepas melihat keadaan anaknya akibat dipukul, Saiful Sopfidee telah membuat laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kedah pada petang Jumaat.- BERNAMA (Ahad April 3, 2011)
Guru syaitan

ARAU: Guru syaitan! Demikian gelaran yang patut diberi kepada seorang guru lelaki sebuah sekolah agama, di sini, yang sanggup membelasah seorang murid lelaki berusia tujuh tahun sehingga koma, Khamis lalu.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 7 malam, guru berusia 26 tahun itu juga dikatakan bertindak kejam apabila mengikat tangan mangsa, Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee di tingkap asrama sekolah berkenaan sebelum membelasahnya.
Difahamkan, guru terbabit tidak mengendahkan walaupun mangsa merayu dan menangis supaya perbuatan itu dihentikan.
Sumber polis berkata, mangsa yang diikat dan dipukul hampir dua jam itu bagaimanapun pengsan selepas mengalami kecederaan dalaman di kepala dan badan akibat dipukul bertubi-tubi oleh guru terbabit.
Katanya, guru terbabit berang dengan mangsa yang enggan mengaku terbabit dalam beberapa kejadian kecurian di asrama sekolah berkenaan sebelum itu.
Difahamkan, sebelum itu mangsa pernah dua kali dipukul suspek akibat enggan mengaku mencuri barangan milik pelajar lain di asrama sekolah.
“Selepas mangsa pengsan, guru terbabit panik dan memanggil guru lain sebelum membawa mangsa ke Hospital Tuanku Fauziah (HTF), Kangar, kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi kelmarin,” katanya.
Bagaimanapun, mangsa kemudian dipindahkan ke Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah (HSB), Alor Setar kira-kira jam 3 pagi kelmarin dan kini ditempatkan di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU).
Bapa mangsa, Saiful Sopfidee Marzuki, 34, berkata dia hanya mengetahui kejadian itu kira-kira jam 8 malam kelmarin melalui ibunya ketika anak tunggalnya dipindahkan ke HSB.
“Saya bergegas ke HSB dan sebak melihat keadaan anak saya kini terlantar koma dengan mukanya bengkak selain lebam di mata dan pipi kiri.
“Malah, ada kesan melecet di tangannya kesan akibat diikat dan kini terpaksa menggunakan mesin bantuan pernafasan,” katanya ketika ditemui di HSB, Alor Setar, semalam.
Saiful Sopfidee yang juga pemandu pelancong di Jitra berkata, dia terkejut apabila dimaklumkan anaknya terbabit dalam kecurian kerana dia bukan nakal dan lebih banyak mendiamkan diri.
Katanya, anaknya tinggal bersama keluarga angkatnya di Kangar sejak kematian ibunya, Jahiyah Che Amat pada 2006 dan kali terakhir dia berjumpa Saiful Syazani setahun lalu.
“Muka anak saya betul-betul seiras arwah isteri saya. Doktor kini memaklumkan keadaan anak saya semakin kritikal,” katanya yang kemudian membuat laporan di Balai Polis Alor Setar, malam kelmarin.
Katanya, dia mahu individu yang terbabit dalam kejadian itu dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan dan menerima hukuman setimpal dengan apa dilakukan terhadap anaknya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Arau, Superintendan Mohd Nadzri Hussain ketika dihubungi berkata, mangsa dipercayai dipukul kerana disyaki sering mencuri duit seorang pelajar sebelum aktivitinya dilaporkan kepada seorang warden di situ yang juga suspek utama kes ini.
“Suspek yang juga guru sekolah itu menyerah diri di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Arau, petang kelmarin,” katanya.
Mohd Nadzri berkata, suspek kini direman tujuh hari bagi membantu siasatan dan polis kini menyiasat secara menyeluruh mengenai motif dan punca kejadian itu.
Kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 324 Kanun Keseksaan kerana mendatangkan kecederaan parah. - HARIAN METRO.
Kelantan dapat lebuh raya
Kerajaan Pusat Peruntuk Lebih RM1Bilion Bina Lebuh Raya Di Kelantan
MACHANG: Kementerian Kerja Raya memperuntukkan lebih RM1 bilion dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh (RMK-10) untuk membina lebuh raya pertama bagi Kelantan, yang menghubungkan Pahang-Gua Musang-Kuala Krai, di bawah fasa pertama projek iaitu selama dua tahun.
Menteri Kerja Raya Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor berkata pembinaannya sudah dimulakan di Simpang Pelangai, Pahang dengan keutamaan diberikan kepada laluan berselekoh.
"Jalan sepanjang 390 kilometer itu dijangka siap sepenuhnya menjelang akhir RMK-10," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan menyuarat agung berkelompok Umno Bahagian Machang di Sekolah Kebangsaan Hamzah 2, Sabtu.
Beliau mengulas kekesalan Ketua Umno Bahagian berkenaan Datuk Jazlan Yaacob kerana Kelantan belum mempunyai rebuh raya dan jauh ketinggalan berbanding negeri lain.
Shaziman, yang juga anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno, berkata laluan empat lorong yang dibina di bawah Koridor Pembangunan Ekonomi Pantai Timur (ECER) itu akan memendekkan perjalanan dari Kota Baharu ke Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau berkata apabila lebuh raya itu siap, ia akan merancakkan proses pembangunan di Kelantan.
Mengenai jalan raya Kuala Krai-Kota Baharu yang begitu sibuk, beliau berkata cadangan membina laluan baru akan dipertimbangkan.Shaziman berkata kementerian mempelawa syarikat swasta yang berminat menyertai konsesi pembinaan dan sedia memberi pertimbangan jika terdapat permohonan.
"Jalan baru, jika ada, boleh mengurangkan kesesakan, terutama pada musim perayaan apabila ramai rakyat Kelantan yang berhijrah ke luar Kelantan pulang berhari raya di kampung masing-masing," katanya. - BERNAMA (Sabtu April 2, 2011)
MACHANG: Kementerian Kerja Raya memperuntukkan lebih RM1 bilion dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh (RMK-10) untuk membina lebuh raya pertama bagi Kelantan, yang menghubungkan Pahang-Gua Musang-Kuala Krai, di bawah fasa pertama projek iaitu selama dua tahun.
Menteri Kerja Raya Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor berkata pembinaannya sudah dimulakan di Simpang Pelangai, Pahang dengan keutamaan diberikan kepada laluan berselekoh.
"Jalan sepanjang 390 kilometer itu dijangka siap sepenuhnya menjelang akhir RMK-10," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan menyuarat agung berkelompok Umno Bahagian Machang di Sekolah Kebangsaan Hamzah 2, Sabtu.
Beliau mengulas kekesalan Ketua Umno Bahagian berkenaan Datuk Jazlan Yaacob kerana Kelantan belum mempunyai rebuh raya dan jauh ketinggalan berbanding negeri lain.
Shaziman, yang juga anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno, berkata laluan empat lorong yang dibina di bawah Koridor Pembangunan Ekonomi Pantai Timur (ECER) itu akan memendekkan perjalanan dari Kota Baharu ke Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau berkata apabila lebuh raya itu siap, ia akan merancakkan proses pembangunan di Kelantan.
Mengenai jalan raya Kuala Krai-Kota Baharu yang begitu sibuk, beliau berkata cadangan membina laluan baru akan dipertimbangkan.Shaziman berkata kementerian mempelawa syarikat swasta yang berminat menyertai konsesi pembinaan dan sedia memberi pertimbangan jika terdapat permohonan.
"Jalan baru, jika ada, boleh mengurangkan kesesakan, terutama pada musim perayaan apabila ramai rakyat Kelantan yang berhijrah ke luar Kelantan pulang berhari raya di kampung masing-masing," katanya. - BERNAMA (Sabtu April 2, 2011)
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